

Tutorials and technical solutions for developers, designers, marketers and other specialists.

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Questions you should ask a client before starting web design project from scratch

To make a WOW website design, a designer has to rely on more than just his experience and taste, trying to guess what the client wants. Sometimes you’ll be able to guess, but there’s a more proven way to reveal a client’s expectations and preferences — ask the right questions BEFORE you start 👆 Whether […]


UI Designer

Jun 13, 2024

How to swap library styles with file’s local styles and components without breaking links and using paid plugins

When to use this method The project has grown and there are many files in Figma, each with the same design system. You’ve created a library based on your design system and want to assign it to all existing files. But Figma only allows you to swap different libraries with each other and tells nothing […]


UI Designer

Nov 02, 2022