UX/UI Audit Service

Check whether your design corresponds to user goals and usability trends. With a regular UI/UX design audit you ensure your product evolves.

When do you need an Audit?

How do I know when it makes sense to do a site audit? There are a number of parameters that can signal the need for an audit.

The conversion rate is decreasing.

An overloaded or not intuitive design. Obvious errors.

The site was created too long ago, and improvements are needed.

Users view one or two pages and don't stay long.

What benefits will you get?

If you follow our audit recommendations, you will have a number of benefits.

Increased User Engagement

An Intuitive User Interface

Growing Conversion Rates

Low bounce rate

Users happiness

What is included in UX audit?

Each of the analysis stages is carried out by a team of experts in their field.

Persona Mapping

Persona Mapping

Navigation analysis

Navigation analysis

Heuristics analysis

Heuristics analysis

Competitor analysis

Competitor analysis

User Flow

User Flow

Data analytics

Data analytics

Persona Mapping

Persona Mapping

Analyzes the target audience of your company

To understand how well your site matches your audience, we need to analyze your target audience, and then make a match with your site and identify problematic points that do not lead the user to conversion. This audit category includes the following studies:

  • Identifying Personas
  • Personality mapping
  • Analysis of their goals and pains
  • Creating a decision-making flow

User Flow

User Flow

Analyse the number of steps before a user makes a conversion.

We analyse all possible floats on the website before a conversion is made. We also take analytics into account and look at user behaviour before a conversion is made. Stages that include the user flow:

  • Compiling the current website flow
  • Analysis of user behaviour in analytics
  • Identification and description of problems
  • Compiling an improved user flow

Heuristics analysis

Heuristics analysis

Analyse pages and site elements for usability and user perception.

We analyse all page elements based on Nielson Norman’s ten usability heuristics. For each problem identified, we compile the following artefacts:

  • Description of the problem
  • Recommendations for improvement
  • Explanation of what the improvement will affect
  • General recommendations and problems with usability

Data analytics

Data analytics

Analyzes the target audience of your company.

We investigate and analyse the tools used to track the analytics on your site, the general metrics we focus on and outline in our analysis:

  • Devices
  • Conversion & Goals
  • Top Landing Pages
  • Most Popular Content Pages
  • Webvisor analisys

Competitor analysis

Competitor analysis

Analysis of competitors' websites.

We analyse the structure of information and the structure of navigation on competitors’ websites. Based on information provided by competitors and our own research. The stages of analysis include the following steps:

  • Compiling a list of competitors
  • Analysis of competitor landing pages
  • Identifying the pros and cons
  • Comparing the availability of important information on your website
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