The Manifest Highlights SmartApp as Armenia’s Most Reviewed B2B Partner for 2023

B2B Partner

For over 13 exciting years, SmartApp has been delivering world-class software development solutions to companies in need. Since our inception, we’ve devoted our team to creating solutions that will give our clients the competitive edge they need to achieve their goals and grow.

Today is an extremely proud moment for us because we’re celebrating a memorable milestone that our clients helped us unlock. During the esteemed The Manifest Company Awards, SmartApp was officially recognized as one of the most reviewed and recommended B2B partners. According to their latest report, our team is among the finest service providers for web development and software development in Armenia for 2023!

We are thrilled to have been chosen as one of the leading B2B companies in Armenia by The Manifest! We are also grateful to our customers who rated us so highly. Our businesses are growing together.


Sergei Porfenovich,

Founder and CTO of

To give this award more context, The Manifest is a B2B buying guide designed to showcase the finest vendors across different industries around the world. Every year, the platform spotlights hard-working companies that formed exceptional bonds with their respective clients. To be hailed as a leader in the space, a service provider must earn the highest number of testimonials and endorsements over the past twelve months.

On behalf of the whole SmartApp team, thank you very much to everyone who supported and believed in us. We appreciate the confidence you have in us. The trust you’ve given our team has empowered us through challenges and triumphs. We owe this distinction to you all! 

Here at SmartApp, we deliver digital solutions that advance your business. Connect with us and let’s work together to help you reach your goals.

Case Studies

Our completed projects speak louder than words. Discover how innovative and modern custom solutions helped to make a difference in our clients' businesses.

UX/UI design according to American style

Tech: Figma, Miro, Snazzy Maps
UX/UI design according to American style

UX/UI design according to American style

Tech: Figma, Miro, Snazzy Maps
UX/UI design according to American style

E-learning platform to upskilling professionals

Tech: Apache, AWS, Bootstrap, Figma, Grunt, jQuery, JS, Moodle, Mustache, MySQL, PayPal, PHP, Scss
E-learning platform to upskilling professionals

E-learning platform to upskilling professionals

Tech: Apache, AWS, Bootstrap, Figma, Grunt, jQuery, JS, Moodle, Mustache, MySQL, PayPal, PHP, Scss
E-learning platform to upskilling professionals

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Tell us about your business needs and challenges however far-fetched they sound. Our team
will help you define your business needs and implement a perfect solution for your project success.

It’s high time you gave it a go!

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