Rampiq agency

How we managed to immerse the user in the American atmosphere with the help of design.


Rampiq is a high-performing digital marketing agency focused on mining meaningful data insights and applying these insights to maximize online marketing investment.
They conduct research, develop promotion strategies to create successful online marketing campaigns.


At the request of the client, our team needed to emphasize the American spirit of the company. Our task was to make the site bright, but at the same time restrained and trustworthy.
We needed to make the Main page, Services and Verticals look catchy and selling.


Our team decided to create a design system that would reflect the American character and colors of the flag.
We have made custom illustrations in the corporate style to give the site its unique personality and emphasize the style of the company. All this has created the site’s character.

U.S. Design System

The development of the site structure in the form of a prototype helped the client to better understand the idea of the project structure. This made it easier to perceive the future structure of the site and coordinate blocks and content with the client.
U.S. Design System

Website page design

As soon as we chose the main style, we implemented the home page and showed it to the client. The main idea of the site’s style. After the approval of the stylistics, we continued working on the remaining pages.
Website page design

Key features

In the process, we took into account the desires of the target audience. Here are some of the key points that will help increase user engagement and build trust.
Case Results

Case Results

We made it possible to see in the cases not only the final results of the client, but also the previous indicators

and the pains with which he came. We have implemented a tab that changes the information in the block when it is switched “After SEO” to “Before SEO”.

A quiz block for clarifying the user’s needs

Based on the client’s requirements, we implemented a quiz in a block on each page of the site.

The quiz helps our client learn more about the problems of their potential customers.

A quiz block for clarifying
Customized vertical icons

Customized vertical icons

Our client has an individual approach to each vertical. We needed to emphasize this in order to gain the user’s trust. To do this, we have created branded icons for each vertical.

Attention to each vertical

We have created pages for each vertical and customized them with illustrations. Our team has worked out all the details on the pages so that the user would quickly find the information he needs.

Attention to each vertical

Mobile adaptation

After approving all the pages for desktop devices, we moved on to the next stage – implementation of layouts for mobile devices.

Development of the system design

We have created atomic design systems, which means separating interfaces into fundamental blocks and combining them, gradually increasing the complexity. The design system helps the client to scale the site with ease. It also helps the user to perceive the content because he can easily trace the hierarchy system.
Development of the system design

Feedback and communication

We have built close and transparent communication with our clients in order to better understand the details of the project and speed up the whole process.

Weekly status & regular calls

Our collaboration with the client began with setting the timeline. We sent mockups when they were ready according to the set timeline. Our team arranged Google Meetings to demonstrate and discuss all the issues.

Once the design was finalized and the mockups were approved, they were ready for development.

Weekly status & regular calls


The main goal of the project was to create a design that would position their marketing agency in the US market. It was important for our client that we presented their services on the website with high quality. Thanks to a systematic timeline and close cooperation, we have met all the client’s expectations.
  • Creation of an online store
  • Integration of the online store with the preferred ERP and a supplier’s site
  • Useful features for quick use among big amount of products
  • Customized product names for each organization
  • Convenient payment system
  • Back orders functionality for out-of-stock items
  • Ability to request a quote for a special price
Project in figures (impact created)
250 +
25 +
Design layouts
Tools Used
Figma, Miro, Snazzy Maps

Сlient feedback

“We were glad that the SmartApp team was available on every step of the project. They were easy to access, we could organize a call in 15 minutes - it was absolutely no problem for them.”

Liudmila Kiseleva

Liudmila Kiseleva

Founder at Rampiq

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