WordPress PHP functions
Feb 03, 2023
Full-Stack developer
These are all functions in the WordPress PHP programming language that allow you to display various information about your WordPress site.
Here is what each of these functions does:
bloginfo(‘name’) – Displays the name of your site as set in the WordPress dashboard under Settings > General.
bloginfo(‘description’) – Displays the site’s tagline as set in the WordPress dashboard under Settings > General.
bloginfo(‘template_url’) – Displays the URL of the active theme’s folder.
bloginfo(‘template_directory’) – Displays the absolute path to the active theme’s folder.
bloginfo(‘stylesheet_directory’) – Displays the absolute path to the active theme’s stylesheet.
bloginfo(‘stylesheet_url’) – Displays the URL of the active theme’s stylesheet.
bloginfo(‘charset’) – Displays the character set of the site, usually “UTF-8”.
bloginfo(‘html_type’) – Displays the type of HTML used in the site, usually “html5”.
bloginfo(‘language’) – Displays the language code of the site, usually “en-US”.
bloginfo(‘version’) – Displays the current version of WordPress.
bloginfo(‘rss2_url’) – Displays the URL of the site’s RSS feed.
bloginfo(‘comments_rss2_url’) – Displays the URL of the site’s comments RSS feed.
bloginfo(‘admin_email’) – Displays the email address of the site’s administrator as set in the WordPress dashboard under Settings > General.
These functions are typically used in WordPress themes to display various information about the site. They can be placed in the theme’s template files (such as header.php or footer.php) or in the WordPress content editor when creating a post or page.