Online School Specializing in Science Subjects

How we developed an online school with Maths tasks and tools.


High School is a UK based distance-learning school, specializing in high school Maths and Science subjects. They are one of the leading providers of distance learning services in the UK market. They currently offer international GCSE and A-Level courses.
More than 50 teachers create training videos and interactive educational resources.


The vastness of the project was the main difficulty. Since there were many roles, it was necessary to clearly distinguish their rights. A large amount of data in the tables needed to be made easily edited.
There was also a limited time frame. The project had to be completed by the beginning of the school year.


At the first stages, we clearly distinguished the requirements of the functional capabilities for each role.
To simplify editing, we have created the possibility of multiple editing of tables for the school administrator and for the teacher.
We have implemented the task interface which is understandable for students of different ages.

Competitors' Analysis

Our team carried out an in-depth analysis of various existing interfaces of training platforms to highlight the pros and cons, as well as to analyze the needs of the audience. Based on the analysis and the Client’s requirements, we have compiled a moodboard.
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Users Segmentation

The system consists of 4 roles with different rights and an interface.
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Student Profile​

More than 30 types of tasks have been created for the student. We have implemented 4 types of drawing tools: a ruler, a protractor, a pencil and a compass. A student can study both by appointment of a teacher and independently. For self-study, we have implemented a section for the practice. The student and his parents can also track the progress of the grades.

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Teacher and School Admin

The interface of these roles is quite similar, except for the rights to add and edit students. These rights belong only to the school administrator. The school administrator can also manage and add teachers. Both roles can have their own classes, progress both by a class and by students. The roles also have the ability to create tests and homework assignments.
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OBA Admin

The interface of these roles is quite similar, except for the rights to add and edit students. These rights belong only to the school administrator. The school administrator can also manage and add teachers. Both roles can have their own classes, progress both by a class and by students. The roles also have the ability to create tests and homework assignments.

Key Features

Multiple Editing

Multiple editing allows you to perform actions with several students, classes, tasks and teachers (the latter is only for the school administrator): deleting, editing, reassigning, and so on.

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Creating an Assignment

We have created the ability to create both a draft of a test or homework assignment, and assign it to the class immediately. To do this, the teacher needs to select a video on the topic and add the tasks and questions attached to it to the task at different levels of complexity (standard complex and the highest).

Flexible Assignment of a Task

When assigning a task to a class, the teacher can include a limit on the duration of the solution. Also, the teacher can set only the start and end dates for solving the task without a time limit. For a faster start, we have implemented the start test now functionality, so that the teacher does not need to waste time filling in the fields.
Our team has solved a rather urgent problem for our days. We have added the ability to make an exception for students who are sick by the dates of completion of the task. The deadlines for these students can be adjusted by the teacher.

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The Ratio of the Student’s Grade to the Average Grade

In each class, the student’s academic performance statistics are kept, as well as the academic performance in relation to the average grade of the class.

Chat of a Student with a Teacher

We have implemented the ability to write a message for each question of a test or homework assignment. Both teachers and students can write messages and receive notifications. Also, the teacher can leave a message or a question if it is necessary when checking the task.

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Development of the Design System

We have created atomic design systems, which means separating interfaces into fundamental blocks and combining them, gradually increasing the complexity. The design system helps the client to scale the site with ease, and it also makes it easier for the site users to perceive the content because the hierarchy system is traced.
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Feedback and Communication​

We have built close and transparent communication with our clients in order to better understand
the details of the project and speed up the whole process.

Weekly Status

After the timeline was approved, we started implementing the key pages of the platform. We sent the layouts to the Figma for approval of all the pages. After the approval of the designs, we started the development.

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It was important for our client to create a convenient platform both for learning, and teaching, which we successfully coped with and met the customer’s expectations.
  • А convenient e-learning platform
  • An interface for 4 roles
  • Useful features for quick use among big amount of products
  • Bank of questions and videos
  • 30 different types of tasks
  • Learning progress and correlation with the entire class
Results in figures
80 +
Technologies and tools
Figma, Moodle, React

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