How to create a child-friendly Moodle platform?

Feb 08, 2023

7 min read

What is the role of e-learning in the development of modern children?

Nowadays, children grow up with a gadget in their hands. E-learning is a great thing to let children learn wherever they want and whenever they want. It can be used for many different learning types, including one-to-one communication, group learning, and teaching.

Let’s point out some advantages of a learning platform for children:

  • E-learning is a time saver like a superhero. The pandemic showed us that we can save much time if we work or learn remotely. Now there’s no need to spend time on the road or transport. We were taught how to manage our time and how to do much more than we used to before the “remote lifestyle”. So do kids. While sitting at home, they became more attached to the internet. Also, so many children are busy with other activities, so it is a great chance for them too to schedule and pick out a time period to sit and teach. 
  • Inferring from the first paragraph, we can see that e-learning is very flexible. There are also many cases when children need to adjust their parent’s schedules and lifestyles too. So the flexibility of the learning activity can be very convenient for the kid to continue learning where he wants and when he wants. 
  • Another benefit of the e-learning platform is accessibility. All you need is the Internet and a gadget. Voila! No more pencils, notebooks, and school bags. 

So the aim is to have as much use from the internet for the kids as we can. For this purpose, we created a platform named LectureEnfant for children to learn French. 

That’s why today we will analyze our brand new case of creating an e-learning platform for kids step by step.

Identify your audience

Before starting to create an e-learning platform, you need to identify and analyze your target audience. Focus on the age restrictions of future users. In our case, we received a requirement from our client to create a child-friendly educational platform for kids aged 5–10 years old.

Focus on the design to make it more attractive for the students

It’s not a secret that children learn faster while playing. So here we have suggested adding some reward motivation system. So here we have levels, inside every level we have books and 8 steps in each book. After every step, the student gets an emoji, and after every book — a puzzle part until the student gets a pull puzzle after finishing a level.

Interface Example: Screenshot showcasing a sample user interface design
Interface Example

Besides it, illustrate his or her journey clearly for little kids. We did it through a map. It will help students to move faster to the finish line and collect as many puzzles as they can.

 Representation illustrating the architecture and navigation flow of the application
Map Example

Show them their rewards

As we mention in point 2, puzzle collection is a real way to show students their awards.

Image displaying a collection of inner awards and accolades
Awards Example

It motivates them to receive more and more rewards as fast as they can. Also, they will have certificates after every level.

Make it easy for the teachers

Teachers need a more convenient platform without any cartoons or animations. Remember that they have more than 1 student and need to review all the homework. Give them a chance to work with a full list while adding students to the class.

Screenshot showcasing a sample list of students within the application
Students list Example

Also, let the teacher have full access to the student’s profile

 Screenshot showcasing a sample student profile within the app
Student profile Example

Feedback is always a good idea

Never forget that the best thing in an online study is feedback. Let the teacher have a feedback form to contact students. In our case, we made it via lessons or messages. Here it’s important to pay attention that students shouldn’t reply to these messages. So for the adult target audience, it may be only an advantage, but in our case children do not need to reply to the teacher’s message.

Let the teachers have a clear vision of the class

The best option to let the teacher keep the focus on the class is to give him a clear vision of the class and platform. We made some fields in his portfolio with the full lessons, so he can reach them anytime with no complications.

Screenshot displaying a sample list of levels or stages within an application
Levels list Example

Keep Your E-Learning Courses Organized

Always organize the learning process. Follow the flow while adding new books or other levels. Pay attention to the reports while updating the information. Well-organized learning content will not only help your learners absorb the course material easier and quicker, but also allows you to distribute the information in effective ways that align with your e-learning objectives.

Always give and accept feedback from the users

While having a full platform, do not stop there. Always grow your platform and grow with your audience. Let them help you with the content and navigation. Ask for feedback and develop the wishes of your users. Gather all the feedback, analyze it, and pay full attention to every single detail.

Enjoy your result

These points below are only a little part of the options you need to pay attention to. Make Sure Your Online Learning Activities Are Fun And Engaging. Always discuss your business idea with professionals to not omit important things. 

We also recommend you get acquainted with our other cases.

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